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Ramshorn snails are one of many species of snails that are available for the home aquarium. These small snails are relentless as a clean up crew. They will eat leftover fish foods, detritus, dead livestock, decaying plant matter and soft algae. This can make them a valuable asset to the balance of your tank. Ramshorns snails are also bred and used as live food for different types of fish such as puffer fish and some loaches.The lifespan of a ramshorn snail is typically about one year. For this reason they are prolific breeders and will reproduce as long as food is available and conditions are tolerable. Actually, controlling reproduction can be a constant battle.Ramshorn snails are mostly seen in their most common brown color, but can be found in the more rare blue, red, and pink colors also. These variations are usually a bit more expensive than the brown hues. The ramshorn snail should be added to established tanks only and can either be kept in a species only tank or with peaceful tank mates. Use caution when adding snails to a tank that contains fish. As mentioned above some fish will eat snails. Even though these snails will scavenge the tank for food, the must be fed alternative foods to ensure they get an abundance of foods. Some foods include algae wafers, kale, zucchini, and carrots. These foods contain calcium and should be fed 2-3 times weekly. Calcium is crucial for proper shell growth. A snail that is lacking in calcium will have spots where the shell begins to deteriorate. It is advised to add a cuttlebone to your tank. Be sure to remove the metal that is attached to it. When adding medicines to a tank that houses snails, always make sure that it is safe for snails. Never use copper in an aquarium with snails. Copper, in any amount, is deadly to snails. Be sure to properly acclimate your snails before adding them to your tank.

Buyer will receive 6+ ramshorn snails. I will usually send more than 6 if quantity of my stock allows for me to do so. The container your snails are shipped in is meant for temporary use only. Buyer will need to acclimated and add snails to an established aquarium as soon as possible.

Ramshorn Snails x12

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