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Live Feeder Cultures, Freshwater Fish, Aquatic Snails and Plants!

Culturing and acclimation instructions can be found in the blog page of this site!!


Food Cultures


Small Fish and Fry Food

Finding the right size food for tiny fish and fry can be difficult and frustrating. Check out our microworms and vinegar eels. They are the perfect size for most tiny fish and contain great nutritional value for growing out fry quickly.

We have live plants, aquatic snails and fish too!


Aquatic Snails

Check out our live aquatic snails! These guys will help to clean your tank of uneaten foods and other organic waste that may be over looked or hidden in areas of your tank that you may not be able to get to.

Got larger fish? Or small reptiles? No Problem!

We offer white worms for larger fish and reptiles. These worms are large enough for most adult size fish and smaller reptiles. With a nutritional value that can be beneficial for growth and development.


Freshwater Fish

See what we have in stock to add some life to your tanks! Our fish are tank raised, healthy, and are ready for your aquarium.Get them while you can. Our fish stock is limited and tends to come and go quickly!

Freshwater Plants

In addition to releasing much need oxygen, freshwater plants help to filter and remove unwanted and harmful nutrients produced by the livestock in your aquarium. We offer a small assortment of plants that are easy enough for beginners but are beneficial to a tanks ecosystem. Some of our plants are seasonal and may not be available all year.

Gold Fish in Water

Feed Them Right

What you feed your fish will play a large roll in your livestock's health, color, and longevity. Live foods are the key to a natural and healthy diet that is as close to mother nature as you can get!

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