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Polar Blue Parrot Cichlids are a hybrid fish that is the result of a successful spawn between the convict cichlid and the parrot cichlid. These fish usually grow to a maximum size of 3 inches. They are best kept in a tank containing 30 gallons of water for the first fish and ten gallons of water for each additional fish. They are very hardy and can withstand a wide range of water parameters. Water temperature is best at 78-80 degrees F. 

They tend to do best in a species only tank, but can be kept with fish of similar temperaments provided plenty of areas to hide and plant cover should be given. Although slightly aggressive, this fish should NEVER be kept with overly or extremely aggressive fish. Blue polar cichlids have a unique shaped mouth that prevents it from extremely hard bites, which makes it vulnerable in the fact that it can not defend itself as other aggressive fish do. 

Their diet should consist of a good quality cichlid pellet or flake. Live foods such as grindal worms or white worms also work well as a treat given once or twice weekly. Live foods can also promote breeding. 

These fish like to dig impressions into the substrate for spawning so they are best kept in a gravel or sand bottom tank. They also need plenty of caves and plants in order to establish territories to raise their fry. Juvenile tend to be bland in color but will brighten up as they sexually mature sporting a vivid blue color to their bodies and fins. Females may tend to have blue green orange and sometimes even a yellow tint to their bodies as they are ready to spawn. These fish are wonderful parents and usually will not predate on their young. After eggs are laid and fertilized, the hatching process will usually take about 3 days and during this time the parents will watch over and defend the eggs from all other tank mates. It is a good idea to remove tank mates during this time. Once the fry become free swimming, (usually 3-5 days after hatching) they should be fed baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels, banana worm, walter worms, microworms or other tiny live foods. 

With proper care and feeding of this fish, they become quite beautiful and are a great addition to many species only tanks. 

Buyer will receive 1 unsexed fish that is approxiamately 1-3 inches long. An extra fish or two may or may not be added in addition to the fish that is purchased. If buyer does not wish to receive extra fish, please make a note of this when ordering. 

Polar Blue Parrot Cichlid

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