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Guppies, sometimes called millionfish, is a small, hardy fish that can make a wonderful addition to a peaceful community tank. These colorful fish are prolific breeders and can quickly populate a tank with a variety of color patterns.

The males tend to be smaller, have a larger tail fin, a pointed anal fin and have more color than females.  Although some females may have a small amount of color on the tail fin, they are usually void of color on the body, a fan shaped anal fin, and are usually larger than male guppies. Female guppies also have what is called a gravid spot. This is a dark spot that is seen close to the anal fin. When a female guppy is pregnant, the eyes of the fry is sometimes visible inside the gravid spot.

Guppies require a tank with at least 10 gallons of water, 20 gallons being ideal. They are very tolerant of changing tank conditions. Temperatures are best between 78-80 F. Plants should be a hardier species such as Java Moss or Java Fern. Floating plants also help to give females a place to birth fry and a place for fry to hide from adults. Adults may eat the fry if left to fend for themselves without the cover of plants. The fry should be fed brine shrimp, micro food and pulverized flakes.

Guppies are omnivores and require both algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with live foods, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp will provide guppies with the proper nutrition.


Buyer will receive 3 assorted mixed guppies (1 male, 2 females). Extra fish may or may not be added to order. Extra fish will only be added if numbers of stock allow for it. If buyer does not wish to receive extra fish, please make a note when ordering. 

Assorted Guppy Trio

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