Vinegar Eel Culturing Instructions
You will need:
100% organic raw apple cider vinegar with "mother of vinegar"
100% organic apple juice
A glass jar (I use a gallon size pickle jar)
Coffee filter paper or a paper towel
A rubber band
Vinegar eel starter culture
Fill the glass jar 3/4 of the way full with a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and apple juice
Add the vinegar eel culture to the jar (just pour it directly in)
Cover the top of the jar with coffee filter paper or a paper towel
Add the rubber band around the lip of the jar to hold the paper in place preventing pest from entering your culture
Place your vinegar eels in a dark place for about 2-3 weeks to allow the culture to establish before harvesting
To Harvest Your Eels:
You will need:
A clear, long neck wine bottle or beer bottle
A funnel (or a steady hand...um..use a funnel plz)
A piece of filter floss or polyfil (the white fluffy stuff in pillows)
A string
Dechlorinated water
A pipette or turkey baster
Paper towel or coffee filter
Small rubber band
Place the funnel in the neck of the glass bottle.
Fill the bottle half full with a mixture of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% apple juice
Fill the rest of the bottle up, to the beginning of the neck only, with your mother culture
Tie the string around the peice of filter floss.
Stuff the filter floss it into the neck of the bottle until it is about 1-1.5 inches below the bottle opening. Be sure to leave your string hanging out!
Now fill the empty section of the neck with dechlorinated water and add a small piece of paper towel over the top with a rubber band to secure it.
Wait about 24 hours and your vinegar eels will wiggle their way up and out of the vinegar, through the filter floss, and into the fresh dechlorinated water at the top of the bottle neck.
Use a pipette or a turkey baster to suck the water and eels up and dispense them into your tank.
This way you get only eels and dechlorinated water and not vinegar
>>>Disclaimer: This blog is written based upon my own personal experiences. There are different ways to apply this technique. This is what works for me. Do your research before diving in based on one persons opinions and experiences.